Half season,
Peak relax
Enjoy the beauty of our land while is changing its outfits.
Enjoy the beauty of our land while is changing its outfits.
Visiting our region without the summer crowds is a small, great privilege. The beaches are enchanting in their solitude, cultural destinations are easily accessible, and our famous restaurants are finally enjoyable. Il geco sognante welcomes you even during the splendid Apulian spring, when the countryside is in blossom , plants bloom, and the surrounding villages are etting ready g for their renown Easter ceremonies and celebrations.

The Easter that enchants
Discover the fascinating Holy Week ceremonies at Easter.
Discover the fascinating Holy Week ceremonies at Easter.
Our land has been embedded for centuries in the Christian Easter traditions . During the week leading up to Easter Sundayall around our villages, you will witness processions, rituals, and events that are bond to leave you speechless. This is a very important time for our community, attending it will give you an intense emotional experience never to forget. We look forward to seeing you joining the procession of the crucifers and the mysterious pappamusci.